[Linux] How to get USB-stick path and use it?

Gavin A. S. Cheng
3 min readJan 7, 2021

First, make sure your privileged level:

  • #: requires given linux commands to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of sudo command
  • $: requires given linux commands to be executed as a regular non-privileged user

List USB partition


You’ll see a response similar to:


fdisk -l

You’ll see a response similar to:

Here, I want to use sda1 for example.

Create mount point

Before you are able to use mount command to mount the USB partition, you need to create a mount point. It can be a new or a existing directory within your host filesystem.

I create new directory to be the mount point to mount my USB device by using mkdir command:

mkdir UsbStick

Mount USB Drive

Use mount command to mount /dev/sda1 into UsbStick mount point:

mount /dev/sda1 UsbStick/

You’ll see a response similar to:

sda1 is mounted to /home/root/UsbStick from /run/media/sda1

To check whether the USB drive has been mounted correctly execute mount command again without any arguments and use grep to search for USB block device name:

mount | grep sda1

You’ll see a response similar to:

Accessing USB Data

You can access the USB data simply by navigating to the previously created mount point /UsbStick:

# cd /home/root/UsbStick


Make sure that no process is using or accessing the mount point directory.

Execute the following command to unmount your USB drive:

# umount /home/root/UsbStick

Permanent Mount

If you want to mount the USB drive permanently, you can use vi command to modify the config file:

vi /etc/fstab

You’ll see a response similar to:

Add the following line into fstab config file:

/dev/sda1    /home/root/UsbStick    vfat   defaults    0       0

If fail, you can use partition UUID instead of the device name. Now, locate a UUID of your USB drive:

# ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/*

You’ll see a response similar to:

The UUID of device sda1 is FDFA-40E0 thus our /etc/fstab mount line will be:

/dev/disk/by-uuid/FDFA-40E0   /home/root/UsbStick     vfat   0   0

Run mount -a command to mount all not yet mounted devices.

Partitioning the SD/MMC card if you need:

sudo fdisk /dev/sd<X>         ,where <X> is the SD card you used#Type the following parameters (each followed by):
p [lists the current partitions]
d [to delete existing partitions. Repeat this until no unnecessary partitions are reported by the 'p' command to start fresh.]
n [create a new partition]
p [create a primary partition - use for both partitions]
1 [the first partition]
2048 [starting at offset sector]
102400 [size for the first partition to be used for the boot images]
p [to check the partitions]n
122880 [starting at offset sector, which leaves enough space for the kernel, the bootloader and its configuration data]
<enter> [using the default value will create a partition that extends to the last sector of the media]
p [to check the partitions]
w [this writes the partition table to the media and fdisk exits]

